I have two questions: This SDK does not need a hosting like other backend servers, right?
The next question is the one from the title:
I downloaded the last version of SDK from your page, followed the instructions, and when i try to compile it shows me some errors (all the same) from C++ in /lib/MediaLibiOS/include/MPMediaData.h and in the same path /BroadcastStreamClient.h files:
“ISO C++ forbids forward references to ‘enum’ types.”
I attach a picture of the error.
Thank you for your time!

Hi Miquel,
For helping you I need some info to reproduce this problem:
- What version of Xcode do you use?
- What backendless demo sample did you build?
- Can you send me the build log here?
[h4] [/h4]
Hello, thank you for this rapid response.
- Version 5.0.2 (5A3005)
- I did not use any demo project, i used this https://backendless.com/backend-as-a-service/quick-start-guide-for-ios/ guide.
- I am sorry but i deleted lib folder because i could not test any other stuff i could do (it did not compile), so i can’t say you this information.
PS: I am a programming student, so it could be a basic thing that i might have not seen or known.
You can download backendless demo samples from our github repo - https://github.com/Backendless/iOS-Samples and investigate the code of the some demo apps what could be interesting for you