Issue with Facebook Login

After the latest update we have a new error
POST "/<version>/users/social/facebook/sdk/login”

of required parameters are null”}

However, all the required fields are correct and token is valid. In the past, same API with these parameters was working perfectly fine.

Please find the attached sample project that throws the same error.

FacebookLoginSample (1).zip (1.01MB)

Inner task was created BKNDLSS-13230.


Any updates on this issue?

Hi Vishal,

Work on this issue is in progress.
Regards, Ilya

Hi Vishal,
Can you try to login with the following request using your access token?

curl -H 'application-id: EA4136DE-EA7D-2FAD-FF48-F13193371A00' -H 'secret-key: DC3951E4-E248-71B9-FF52-61848585E000' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST -d'{"accessToken" : "use you access token", "fieldsMapping":{"first_name":"First", "last_name":"Last", "email":"email", "name":"name"}}' -v[url=][/url]

This fixed the issue. We have submitted the updates for App Review.

Thanks a lot for your support.