Hello, i am using Business Login Timer to generate server side code.
My logic is to get office hour from table and calculate whether it is open or close.
My timer is working well when i debug, but it is not working properly in deploy.
Timer send e-mail to me when it started by using Backendless.Messaging. And also send me when it takes next page.(I am using normal paging, page size is 10).
I got 1st mail that notify to me to start timer, but i cannot receive the paging e-mail.
Is there any different from debug and deploy??
I use IntelliJ and make module to deploy. For deploying, open .cmd and use deploy.bat in “/bin” directory.
Please give any answer to my question. Srry to my poor english. THX
please provide your application id
OK, the app id is “F8F661D1-D925-AF57-FF37-AD277E6CD200”.
But now i undeployed my timer. Should i deploy it again??
Business logic is working well only for my custom event handler.
also it would be great if you send us your server code project to support@backendless.com
I sent it!! Check email from "supergranzot@naver.com"
Gmail cannnot sent project file for “.zip” T_T
Thanks 조현명 !
I have created an internal ticket to investigate the issue. We will let you know the findings
Hello 조현명,
I was able to review your code and I believe that you have exceeded the limit for 5 sec execution, for debug mode there is no such limit. First of all, I suggest you to, figure out how much time do you need to execute your code. Do it in debug mode. At the beginning of execution add
long startDate = System.currentTimeMillis();
then at the end add
System.out.println("execution time is: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startDate));
and you will now execution time. if it bigger than 5000, you should buy “Expanded code execution time” in market place http://develop.backendless.com/#DaeSikGa/v1/main/marketplace/mBaaS%20Function%20packs/Business%20Logic. But before buy it, you may want to optimise your code to make execution less than 5 sec
THX Sergey!! I have one more question for business login. I saw the “Expanded code execution time” in market place and it can expand to 20 sec. However, the questions is the maximum time for execution time.
Whether it is the expanded or additional??
20 seconds is the maximum allowed in Backendless Cloud. However, with Managed Backendless we can configure the system to allow longer execution time. To get information about Managed Backendless, please contact our sales (sales@backendless.com).