Javascript API Push SDK, set priority

Is it possible to set the “priority” to “high” without using Templates?
I need to receive Push messages even when phones are in doze…


What the OS your are talking about?
E.g. in case of Android devices – the priority is a part of channel options (i mean the channel is a entity of Android OS, not Backendless one). Once you create the channel you cannot change its options.
The message comes on a device into the specific channel. Always.
In your case you have to create template with a specific priority for a channel and use it for sending messages.

Android. The problem is that I have a lot of dynamic channels which users can create and send push messages to.
I would like to set the priority of these push-message, normal or high, depending on whether it should be delivered immediately or in a phones doze-maintenance window.

As i said before the channels, its configurations and limitation of usage are all device os features.
If you always create new channel for each message such a behavior may be treated as spam. Only the owner of the device can grant or deny the features for existed channel. As well as default parameters (for newly created channels) can be limited by the device (user).

Users do not create new channels for each message. In a chat application, they will create new chatrooms (channels) and use these channels for a while.
And if a phone is idle and untouched for a while it gets into sleep mode. Then it wont receive push messages immediatly. It can take up to 1 hour until the notification arrives. According to this संदेश प्राथमिकता सेट और प्रबंधित करें  |  Firebase Cloud Messaging you can achieve the immidiate delivery by setting the delivery priority of the message to “high”.

Thanks for the link, we’ll take a look at it. I’ve created the task for investigation.
UPD: it looks like we were talking about different priorities.

The one you see in the channel options is responsible for setting the priority for new channel on Android Device. For sending push messages we use custom library (not the one provided by Firebase)

OK. In the Backendless library, is there a way to send the push notification with high priority (to wake up any sleep mode phones)?

Currently, you can only set the channel configuration.

You wrote before:

In a chat application, they will create new chatrooms (channels) and use these channels for a while.

Could you, please, check what real priority is set for the channel(s) (specifically on the device). There is one general channel “ImmediatePush” should be present and your custom channels (based on templates).

What version of Backendless Android SDK you use?
The latest stable is 7.0.1

Are you currently experiencing any problems with receiving messages on devices?

We are working on this functionality now. I think it will be released on prod in a week.
You can find it in a Push Template settings.

Hello @Klaus_Stoller

We have added the following parameters to customize the push notification. You can find them in the option editor for push notifications.
