javascript-save object pointer internal server error

I’m back here. i proceeding with the saving of a pointer to the Event table in the activity table. and this message appear

PUT 500 (Internal Server Error)
service.js:164 error message - Internal server error with id ACB0AAA6-2F1E-5F9E-FFDA-DC490DF5FD00
service.js:165 error code - 500

if i saved only simple variables the function work well but, if i saved a object pointer the function dont work. my code is this

           function Activity(){
                this.type = data.type;
                this.content = data.comment;
                this.event = data.event; // or { objectId: data.event['objectId'] , ___class:"EventNormal" }
            function error(err)
               console.log("error message - " + err.message);
               console.log("error code - " + err.statusCode);
               callback(false, error);
            function success(activity)
               callback(true, activity);

            var comment = new Activity();

                new Backendless.Async(success, error)

Hi Asasola,

The error ID you referenced appears to be for something completely unrelated. Any chance you could run it in Chrome with the Network tab open and capture both request and response to/from the server?

I’d like to see all the details about the request and response (URL, headers, body, etc).


this is the screen of network tab


oh, yes sorry

the code is this

this.saveActivity = function(callback, data){
            function Activity(){
                this.type = data.type;
                this.content = data.comment;
                //this.toUser = $['ownerId'];
                this.event = data.event;
            function error(err)
               console.log("error message - " + err.message);
               console.log("error code - " + err.statusCode);
               callback(false, error);
            function success(activity)
               callback(true, activity);

            var comment = new Activity();

                new Backendless.Async(success, error)