Hi guys, sorry this is a dumb question, but I’m having trouble finding how to make a simple query for User info. I have searched through the documentation, but I haven’t been able to find specifically how to make a call to fetch user info from a backend (business logic) JS file. For example, this code does not work:
var query = new Backendless.DataQuery();
query.condition = “<my condition>”;
var async = new Backendless.Async(onUsersFound, errorCallback);
Backendless.Persistence.of(“Users”).find(query, async);
I have tried a variety of things in place of “Users” above, as well as changing “Persistence” to “Data”, but I haven’t had any luck. It keeps giving me errors around finding the Users/BackendlessUser tableMy apologies for my ignorance, but can someone step me in the right direction? Thank you in advance!