JSON formatting API post Dynamic Schema

Hi - I am using an external application to post to backendless tables (using dynamic schema). The format I am sending is attached so it is only creating some fields. I think the issue is with the json formatting and looks like back-endless only accepts specific json format. I cannot change the source system as it is third party which I don’t have much access to. is there a way in backendless to handle this?

{"Created_Date":"2021-10-21T23:38:43.196Z","Modified_Date":"2023-03-25T06:59:43.367Z","user_signed_up":true,"authentication":{"email":{"email":"4@4.com","email_confirmed":null}},"account_no":4,"name":"SYSTEM ADMIN","products":["1635298307851x337641658831041600"],"delivery_dates_blocked":[],"child_accounts":["1635295209933x491180853703210500"],"delivery_days_blocked":[0,1,2],"account_status":"Active","ADMIN_LEVEL":1,"is_parent_account":"NO","primary_email":"5@5.com","view_all_orders":1,"_id":"1634859523196x613863320905413100"},{"Created_Date":"2021-10-27T00:40:09.933Z","Modified_Date":"2023-03-23T23:26:36.954Z","user_signed_up":true,"authentication":{"email":{"email":"6@6.com","email_confirmed":null}},"account_no":1241,"name":"John Smith","products":["1635298307851x337641658831041600","1635298308361x296825652862867200"],"child_accounts":[],"delivery_days_blocked":[],"account_status":"Active","cc_emails":"7@7.com, 8@8.com","primary_email":"9@9.com","view_all_orders":1,"_id":"1635295209933x491180853703210500"}

I want the columns to have data like this.

see how the data in array is missing when run directly.

Hi @LetMeTest ,

Unfortunately, “dynamic scheme” does not support creation of JSON columns. If you want just to store data from such columns in some way then you can try to stringify such columns in “beforeCreate” or “beforeUpdate” event handlers.

For example this is my variant which I tried:

and example of request:

In my case it simply takes column and convert it’s value to string.

In your case logic of event handler may look more sophisticated since you should detect “complex” values in arbitrary fields and apply appropriate formatting.

The other approach to solve such problem is to create JSON columns in advance before posting data with such fields.

Regards, Andriy

that may be an issue. I wont know before hand the column names. I am ok with adding the array data as strings but how do I handle that? I am posting to backendless database directly via third party. How do I modify/stringify the data before posting in backendless?

to clarify I am using the following to post.

Hi @LetMeTest

Dynamic Schema is good in the development stage, but for production, we recommend disabling it to improve performance.

In case, if you just need to store objects/arrays you can stringify all unknown columns.
or have a single column “meta(JSON)” to store such values