Leaflet Map on Backendless UI

Due to Google API’s pricing is so high, we are looking for another low cost alternative or free map ap such as Openstreetmap, Leaflet.
Could you please share how to import the Leaflet Map component into a UI Builder page in step by step as I am quite new to backendless UI buider?
Much appreicated for your support.

Best regards,
Nyi Nyi Lin


You can integrate this external library using UI Builder custom component block.
You can check this answer for more information about this topic.

Regards, Andriy

Could you share a litle bit more details as I am new to this things.?

On Click Record, I want to visualize the GPS Points locations in Map at UI.
not with Google Map, but with other map component like Leafletjs, OSM ,Mapbox

Best regards,
Nyi Nyi Lin

Hello @FMS_APP,

I can suggest using the Custom Component to visualise points with different maps:

Unfortunately we don’t provide documentation for it right now, but there are some examples when creating a new component.
