Can all of the extensions that say “additional __________________,” be purchased more than once per month? For instance, the free limit of API calls is 50/second. The extension is an additional 10 API calls/second for $50/month. Does that mean that I can pay $100 a month for an additional 20 API calls a second?
Also, does buying an additional 1,000,000 data objects for $20/month make every data table 1,200,000 objects, or just a selected data table?
Thank you in advance!
Hi Cooper.
Please see below:
Can all of the extensions that say "additional __________________," be purchased more than once per month? For instance, the free limit of API calls is 50/second. The extension is an additional 10 API calls/second for $50/month. Does that mean that I can pay $100 a month for an additional 20 API calls a second?
You can purchase additional function packs as frequently as you need.
Also, does buying an additional 1,000,000 data objects for $20/month make every data table 1,200,000 objects, or just a selected data table?
It applies to every table in your application.