List options not populating in Select (dropdown) list

New to backendless … ramping up my learning. Have followed threads to create dropdown lists.

I have a form with three dropdown lists, and am using the ON PAGE ENTER to populate the lists.

The first select list works fine.

The 2nd and 3rd lists are populated from two tables (“list_IncidentType” with two fields IncidentType, Description, and “list_IncidentsMisconduct” with two fields Misconduct, Description).

I can not populate the list with the code provided.

Would appreciate coaching on getting the other two select lists working.



Welcome to the Backendless community!

At first glance, I would try changing the Label and Value properties to lowercase (just like you have it for the first Select component:

You can check what the component expects by switching to the USER INTERFACE section, selecting the component, and verifying in the properties what you have there:


Thank you, Mark. Solved!