Need help in the UI bulilder for “Add Enter Page”. A live person would be nice.
Need help in the UI bulilder for “Add Enter Page”. A live person would be nice.
i can be reach at 413.378.3537 / Domingo Serrano thanks / Tommorrow
Hi Domingo,
Unfortunately we do not provide “live person” support for Cloud accounts. Try describing the issue in greater details. For example, recording a loom video and sharing a link with us would be very helpful.
Good Morning how to share the link for the zoom recording. i did for this issue?
Hi, @Domingo_Serrano
Please, copy the link for the recording, and paste it directly here into a new message.
Here is document with snap shots of the process that I go thru.
On Enter Page.docx (2.5 MB)
Let me know - Thanks.
Here’s is the recording - Zoom On Page on enter issue.mp4
Hey @Domingo_Serrano,
the error text says that the “Print” block is not connected to any other block. Have you ever put together puzzles? The principle is the same here - each block must be connected, they should not be separated from each other. Below in your screenshot you see a purple “On Page Enter” block, inside it there is a placeholder where you should drag the Print block.
This way they will be connected. Click on the Print block, hold down the mouse (or touchpad if you are using one), drag the Print block inside the purple block above and release the mouse (touchpad).
Here is the result you should get:
Follow your direction above -
error.docx (249.1 KB)
then i get this .
Please read the instructions carefully and do everything exactly as the mission instructions state.
This is what you did:
This is what was expected:
Also please use Loom videos instead of docx files if you need to show something. Thanks!
You can (but not have to) click any social button under the textarea to share the message in the textbox that you successfully passed this task. After that, if you would like to receive a bonus (Backendless Backs) you can click “Report the URL of my post” button and share the link to your post. We will review it and if it meets our requirements, we will give you a bonus.
Also, you can safely ignore this.
@Domingo_Serrano Is this what you need?
This is what I get, and when I move the mouse over it . It looks like its worked, but when I validate its it fails.
@Domingo_Serrano Please check that all the properties, parameters, and names you enter correspond to those specified in the task.
i did nothing that sticks out