Localizable strings in push notifications

I want to use localizable strings in push notificaitons like this example
“alert” : { “loc-key” : “GAME_PLAY_REQUEST_FORMAT”,“loc-args” : [ “Jenna”, “Frank”]}
but getting it like this.How can I specify for alert key to be dictionary and not a string[aps: {
alert = “{“loc-key”:“NOTIFICATION_BET_ACCEPTED”}”;
“content-available” = 1;
}, betId: D9B3B8FF-373E-1339-FF79-5E93B7212000, ios-content-available: 1]

We need some time to investigate this issue.

Internal task BKNDLSS-13235 is created.

Are there any news?
Will you finish it until tomorrow evening?

No, this task has a low level (this is free support).

You can require a paid support (to support@backendless.com)

Narek, you can publish a dictionary now, but you will receive a string with pair options, for example:

    func publishObject() {
        let publishHeaders = [
        let contact = [
            ""loc-key" : ""GAME_PLAY_REQUEST_FORMAT",
            ""loc-args" : " 'Jenna, Frank' "
        let publishOptions = PublishOptions()
        let deliveryOptions = DeliveryOptions()
            message: contact,
            publishOptions: publishOptions,
            deliveryOptions: deliveryOptions,
            response: {(status: MessageStatus!) -> () in
                print("Message has been sent: \(status)")
            error: { (fault : Fault!) -> () in
                print("Server reported an error: \(fault)")

Here a received message:

{loc-args=‘Jenna, Frank’, loc-key=GAME_PLAY_REQUEST_FORMAT}

You could use this feature, if you would like.

Internal task BKNDLSS-13267 is created for payload keys isuue.

My topic: http://support.backendless.com/t/ios-push-notification-ios-alert-in-json

Any progress ?