Log in user in a new created tables

I am actually working in an APP in appgyver i have followed the steps in the backendless site but whan i created a new table i couldn t log in registered users, the table i

created has the name Person, the url i am using is https://api.backendless.com/App ID/Rest API/person/login. I tried to test it and i receive this answer in appgyver

Error: JSON error response from server: {“code”:8002,“message”:“Could not parse request with message: , status code 404, headers POST /AppId/RestApiKey/person/login”,“errorData”:{}}.status: 404
Resource settings for Create record (POST)

Resource URL: https://api.backendless.com/AppId/RestApiKey/person/login
Relative path: undefined
Could you please help me as i don t know what is relative path, and is it preferable to use android API Key and IOS API key rather than Rest API key to develop APP.

Thank you

Hi Mhamed,

The reason for the problem is you’re using wrong URL for the login operation. The proper URL is:


You can see it in the API documentation at:
