When I try to open this webpage http://backendless.com/develop/ in Chrome it doesn’t appear the login and password box. It works on Firefox, but not on Chrome.
For your information.
Best regards
When I try to open this webpage http://backendless.com/develop/ in Chrome it doesn’t appear the login and password box. It works on Firefox, but not on Chrome.
For your information.
Best regards
Hi Javier,
Could you please clear your browser (Chrome) cache and reload the login page. Please let me know if the problem goes away.
Hi, I cleaned the cache but the problem doesn’t go away. It appears a blank page. The “loading image” doesn’t appear and it doesn’t show the login form.
Could you please open Chrome Developer Console (the “Console” section). Reload the page and see if it reports any errors? Please post a screenshot of the console here.
Can you open this file in Chrome?:
[reply user_id=1][h4]Mark Piller wrote:[/h4]Can you open this file in Chrome?:
It is strange that you can open the file in a browser, but then the same browser fails to load it when you open the login page.
Now it works, did you change something?