Login - Permitted Time error


Where is the set up of this error? Error: Custom business logic execution has been terminated because it did not complete in permitted time - 15 seconds

Thanks, Mario

and then comes:

Screen Shot 2022-10-04 at 19.27.25

2 or 3 more clicks and finally enter.

Hello @Mario_Ghersi,

The timeout error comes from server when the method cannot be processed in 15sec. It can be caused by sever problems or some custom logic “heaviness”.
Does this issue still occur for you?


Yes, you can test at www.TargettAcceso.com Login

user: chris@backendless.com
pass: backend

Thanks, Mario

Hello @Mario_Ghersi,

this is caused due to a large amount of logic in the afterLogin event handler. This logic can’t be processed in time.

I would recommend you review your logic for possible optimization and finding bottlenecks. Alternative solution - purchase the Enhanced Script/Code Execution Time (20 sec) package from the marketplace.


The afterLogin is only for cellular apps can I filter that ?

Thanks, Mario

Hi, @Mario_Ghersi

You can try to add the condition inside afterLogin handler (use the user-agent block). Or one more option to offered earlier to divide the logic in two login handlers (before/after Login).


OK change the logic of the table to avoid the handlers.
Thanks, Mario