loginWithGooglePlus stayLoggedIn true error


I have just implemented a Google Login as below.

          false )
  .then( function( result ) {
  .catch( function( error ) {

This works when setting stayLoggedIn to false, but when it is true I get the below error in the console.

“ReferenceError: result is not defined”

Any idea was would case this?

Hi @Bennie_Matthee,

actually, this feature is gonna be deprecated in favor of using our brand new Login Providers which you can find in Users -> Login Providers section. It has been released recently and we currently in process of finishing documentation and soon will introduce it in our newsletter and in our blog. So I recommend to wait for it a little and try out a new way of integrating different OAuth providers (and even more - your custom providers in the future).



Thank you for your feedback.

No problem.
I am just trying out different features that I am planning to use in a new app.
Was pleased how easy it was to implement through. Hopefully the new api will be just as easy. :slight_smile:

It will :slight_smile: