Longtitud Latitud Position Messed Up

APP ID:D3828E7D-B42E-B69F-FFFC-EFE55E612400

Hi guys,

Has the GeoLocation function been touched on Backendless recently? I have a function where depending on the Point of user location, it returns the nearest data records. It has been working well for over a year but these days it just keeps returning null. I checked the API, it turns out instead of the usual (long lat), now I need to use (lat long) to give the good results. Is there a mess up with the positions on the backend recently?

Hi. I’ve attached to your app and tried to make a request which should return the points near the specified location.
Table Location, where clause Distance('POINT(0 51)', GeoLoc ) < 300000. So, as you see, I used long-lat notation (which is the same as x-y, and it is default in Backendless). It works as expected.
Could you please, clarify, how do you perform the search?