I couldn’t log into my app today due to an invalid password, just logged into the backend and my data looks like it has been rolled back a month. All my registered users are gone with the exception of the 10 or so I started beta testing with. Please help!
Hi Robert,
The data is not lost. We had to temporarily switch to an older data cluster while the main one is recovering. This is a temporary measure. As soon as the main data cluster is back, we will switch to it. I apologize for the inconvenience this is causing you.
No worries! Scared the #$% out of me. Thank you for the fast response, any idea on time frame of it coming back online?
We estimate that by tomorrow morning but should be back.
Thank you for your understanding.
Hello Robert
if you still have missed data, please provide your appID
I’m still seeing missing data.
App ID: 96E1B405-CEF7-CA0A-FF29-F33711007E00
Just checking as this applies to us too. Would any data changes made in the last hour or two (to the temporary data cluster) be lost? I hope so as they wouldn’t match the proper dataset when it’s reverted.
App IDs BD0781FE-AEF5-99A8-FF85-80DFCC400700 (this is the one we can currently access), and B7C4CBBF-78C6-D9CB-FF28-916B08C4C200 (this one is blocked with an error message saying “Backendless encountered an error while handling the request. An internal trouble ticket with ID 0F882F46-D38F-9268-FF7B-3434B784D400 has been created and we will be investigating the issue.”,
I am still on old data, none of my current data is there.
App id: 85CD51E1-CECD-1043-FF9C-435E8AB6E600
Hi Chris, please check
Everything appears to be rolled back to the end of December.
Yes and the same for us. We are anxious to know whether any “corrections” we made in the last 24 hours will be wiped on restart. We hope so. It would be much preferable to start again from the dataset exactly as it stood when it was pulled yesterday. We just need to know the exact time when it was pulled.
We are restoring data to the point in time when we reverted the data set which was a 10:30am on 2/4/19
Thank you Mark, very helpful, 10.30 in which time zone?
it is the US Central timezone
I too am having login problems :
Backendless encountered an error while handling the request. An internal trouble ticket with ID 3356B8D8-A060-8F32-FF4B-E32E45FFCD00 has been created and we will be investigating the issue.
AppID is 4FBD4D75-5374-56D7-FF76-9D05E401C800
Thanks for looking into this.
could you check now, please
Please I am having the same issue since yesterday, kindly assist
Error Message:
Backendless encountered an error while handling the request. An internal trouble ticket with ID F1BF39AD-D69B-3632-FF08-39B1A4FA2100 has been created and we will be investigating the issue.
could you check it now, please
Thanks Vladimir. BD0781FE-AEF5-99A8-FF85-80DFCC400700 is showing month-old data right now