Lot's of problems, geopoint doesn't save link(console), location metadata from obj is empty...

So I’m trying to save a link meta data to a geopoint so i have this key and value

Example: (random link)
imageUrl: https://google.com;

if i press enter, it says it saved, when i refresh the metadata will be something like this

imageUrl: https;

thats it, the rest is gone, why is this happening?

Also one more i’m having is why when i try to fetch an object using the BackendlessUser doesn’t work?

the scenario is this, i have in User table a one to one relation column to object called Branch, and Branch have a one to one GeoPoint relation, at first if i try to get the user then do user.getProperty(“workBranch”) and cast it to Branch object it doesn’t work, after tinkering around i found that i have to do load relation method when fetching the user once he’s logged in, so i did loadRelations(list that has “*” at position 0); and what i saw in the debug menu is that there is a HashMap, and from here i got confused into getting the Branch object so what i did next is manually getting the Branch object from Backendless using HashMap.get(“objectId”); (i took the Branch as HashMap then took its object id then did a query by id and saved as a field)

now when i get the branch and i check in the debug menu, the location is loaded, but doesn’t have metadata, and for some reason if i go and check the location geopoint in backendless, the metadata is removed, why does this happen?

APP ID: C00BCC97-F0C2-8E7A-FF21-0C5F28636900

One more question, if i have one of the keys in the GeoPoint metadata called objectId, will that cause problems? should i stay away from objectId as a key in metadata?

Thank you again Backendless team for your work;

Hi Orsan,

There is issue with saving url as metadata. As a workaround you can create table, for example, “ImageURL” with field “url” and store url to picture there and create metadata relation from geo to data.

For the second issue you can first perform mapping between entity and class:
Backendless.Persistence.mapTableToClass( “Branch”, Branch.class );

After that you can execute find request with relation depth 2 instead of load relations for each entity.



Hi Orsan,

the issue with wrong saving of URL have already fixed and will be released in the next version of app.
Answering your question about saving objectId in metadata, this should not cause any problems.

Thanks for being with us!


Hello, Orsan!

We’ve released a fix for this issue, can you try again please?