So I’m trying to save a link meta data to a geopoint so i have this key and value
Example: (random link)
if i press enter, it says it saved, when i refresh the metadata will be something like this
imageUrl: https;
thats it, the rest is gone, why is this happening?
Also one more i’m having is why when i try to fetch an object using the BackendlessUser doesn’t work?
the scenario is this, i have in User table a one to one relation column to object called Branch, and Branch have a one to one GeoPoint relation, at first if i try to get the user then do user.getProperty(“workBranch”) and cast it to Branch object it doesn’t work, after tinkering around i found that i have to do load relation method when fetching the user once he’s logged in, so i did loadRelations(list that has “*” at position 0); and what i saw in the debug menu is that there is a HashMap, and from here i got confused into getting the Branch object so what i did next is manually getting the Branch object from Backendless using HashMap.get(“objectId”); (i took the Branch as HashMap then took its object id then did a query by id and saved as a field)
now when i get the branch and i check in the debug menu, the location is loaded, but doesn’t have metadata, and for some reason if i go and check the location geopoint in backendless, the metadata is removed, why does this happen?
APP ID: C00BCC97-F0C2-8E7A-FF21-0C5F28636900
One more question, if i have one of the keys in the GeoPoint metadata called objectId, will that cause problems? should i stay away from objectId as a key in metadata?
Thank you again Backendless team for your work;