Making an articles slider

Hi, the greatest team!
I’m making a slider that shows a list of magazine articles, so I need to save a list and then show element by element, after clicking on previous and next buttons.

I tried a bunch of things, but I got lost.

I built a Block called “news”, inside it I disposed another block called “article”, there are a “cover-image”, a “title” and a “summary” in there.
With “news” as parent, there are two buttons “next” and “previous”.

How can I save a list of 5 or 10 objects to show in the slider and how can I loop the index to change what is showed using codeless?

Thank you very much

Hello @Sebastian_Cuello

In you case I would use a Repeater option Repeaters - Backendless UI Builder Developer Guide

just bind your data collection with the UI Repeater and then in a Child component using data-binding bind all the properties

Regards, Vlad