Marketplace Component : Tab - make full height


I am using the tab component from the marketplace. I have not figured out how to make the DataGrid component 100% height of the parent. (See attached images)

Essentially I have tried to make the tab component itself height by giving it a “fullheight” CSS class since the component itself doesn’t allow for dimension specification. But I think it’s because “Tabs Content (POD Container)” is not inheriting the 100% height.

Hopefully there’s a simple answer. Thank you in advanced.

After some experimenting, when I set the “dimension” of the block containing the DataGrid to:

Height = 100%, Min height = 500px

I get the below:

But when I set the them to:
Height = 500px, Min height = 500px

I get the below:

What I’d like is for the datagrid to take up the full height of the block.

Hello, @Bob_Leung

If I understood you correctly, in the latest version, the padding property, which is set to 10px by default for the blocks, is causing the issue. You can adjust this value in the Dimensions section. Also, please check the ‘height’ settings in the properties of the Data Grid component.
