Messages for a single user suddenly reach all users of the App including the issuing user.

Since yesterday I have a serious problem in my App.
I have been using backendless messaging in version 4 for months without problems but since yesterday any message sent by a user of the App to a single user reaches all other users of the App included to it. What is happening if I have not made any change in my management of the messaging?

Hi Joan,

Is it push or pub-sub notification, to begin with? What API do you use to send it only to a single user?

Hi Sergey,

SDK version: 4.4.0.

The sentences that I use to send a message and that have worked for months:

List<String> devices = new ArrayList<>();
devices.add( deviceIdentificator);
DeliveryOptions deliveryOptions = new DeliveryOptions();
deliveryOptions.setPushSinglecast( devices);
PublishOptions publishOptions = new PublishOptions();
publishOptions.putHeader( “issuingUser”, nombreUsuarioEmisor );
publishOptions.putHeader( “receivingUser”, nombreUsuarioReceptor );

Backendless.Messaging.publish"Message textr, publishOptions, deliveryOptions, new AsyncCallback<MessageStatus>() {
public void handleResponse( MessageStatus messageStatus ) {
System.out.println("Mensaje ok : ");
// and just in this moment all the users of the App receive the message
// when it was always received only by the receiving user !!
public void handleFault( BackendlessFault backendlessFault ) {
System.out.println("Mensaje ko : " + backendlessFault.getDetail());


Hi, Joan, i’ve created inner task to check and solve this issue. (BKNDLSS-16499).
We’ll post here about the progress.

Hi Oleg,

I understand that it is a backendless incidence, right?


I’m not sure, because we need first to investigate this.

ok, if you need more information or details, ask me …

Hi. We’ve fixed this problem. Please, try once again with your app.

Ok, I’m going to try now …

All perfect !!

In my app the messages are sent to a single user as it happened before. Problem solved.

Thanks & regards,