Messaging Publish : set Publisher id not Working

Hello Backendless,
I was going all good with Publishing Messgaes on a Channel Through Messaging API . I wanted the Push Notification to not be sent to the One who actually Publishes it . So , I used the Following Snippe of Code :

PublishOptions publishOptions = new PublishOptions();

After deploying this code also , The Publisher Is still getting those push Notifications.I know the Workaarounds to stop
this on the Client Side itself. But , I don’t want those extra bits of messages being sent every now.
I think the SetPublisherId should do the Trick to Stop the Publisher themselves recieveing the Message,But it;s not working
Regards ,
Pujan Paudel

@Mark Piller or Any Other Admins …

I’d be really glad If you’d take a look at this question :slight_smile:

I believe this is a duplicate of, so I’m closing it.