Messaging registerDevice() doesn't exist

Following this document:
Android documentation - Messaging - Device Registration


Android SDK version : Backendless SDK v1.10 for Android, released 08.11.2014.

It has the following context parameter explanation for the registerDevice() API but they don’t exist.

Method Signature:

public void registerDevice( Context context, String GCMSenderID )

public void registerDevice( Context context, String GCMSenderID, String channel )

public void registerDevice( Context context, String GCMSenderID, List<String> channels, Date expiration )


The methods that do exist are:

public void registerDevice( String GCMSenderID )

public void registerDevice( String GCMSenderID, AsyncCallback<Void> callback )

public void registerDevice( String GCMSenderID, String channel )

public void registerDevice( String GCMSenderID, String channel, AsyncCallback<Void> callback )

public void registerDevice( String GCMSenderID, List<String> channels, Date expiration )

public void registerDevice( final String GCMSenderID, final List<String> channels, final Date expiration, final AsyncCallback<Void> callback )

The following parameter in the example also needs correction:

Backendless.Messaging.registerDevice( MainActivity.this, gcmSenderID )


Backendless.Messaging.registerDevice( gcmSenderID )