Messaging - WebSocket connection to '<URL>' failed: WebSocket is closed before the connection is established

I bought the Springboard-plan today and now I am experiencing errors when creating message listeners. I cannot receive messages any more and getting the above error message many times in console.

backendless.js:15 WebSocket connection to ‘wss://’ failed: WebSocket is closed before the connection is established.

Any ideas why this is not working any more?

Hello @Klaus_Stoller!

Could you please provide your App ID?



The APP ID is D689E7BF-333C-852E-FFE3-EC50F0833400

I am creating apps with One or two month ago it was already working… Now it is not…

I experienced some strange behavior (maybe). My app is on the European cluster. I created a new app on the US cluster and changed the ID’s and there were no error messages any more. Channel subscription worked. I changed back and had error messages and no channel subscription again…

// US ß working

//var APP_ID = ‘996D5766-0061-E2EE-FF78-962874584F00’;

//EUROPE ß not working

Backendless.serverURL = “

var APP_ID = ‘D689E7BF-333C-852E-FFE3-EC50F0833400’;

Backendless.initApp(APP_ID, API_KEY);

Unfortunately I activated the Springboard on the European cluster…

Thank you


Thank you for the information you have provided.
But I still don’t have it all figured out, what do you mean by

…and changed the ID’s…

Please describe step by step how I can reproduce this error so that I can help you.


I meant that I created 2 apps, one on the US and one on the EU server. The ‘channel subscription’ using the JS SDK on the US is working flawlessly, while it does not work on the EU server…

Is it possible to switch from EU to US server cluster?

Yes, we can move your application to another cluster, but it will cost $150 for an engineer’s time.


OK, maybe it is easier to move the Springboard-plan to the project on the other cluster? That would be OK too.


Hi @Klaus_Stoller ,

I have moved Springboard to the US cluster app with ID ‘996D5766-0061-E2EE-FF78-962874584F00’.
Your EU app with ID ‘D689E7BF-333C-852E-FFE3-EC50F0833400’ was moved back to trial period and Springboard for it was blocked.

Regards, Andriy