Dear Team,
Right now, all DateTime fields keep their value as milliseconds from Unix Epoch yet last 3 digits are always zero which means the DateTime type doesn’t have sub-second accuracy.
It might be handy in multiple situations and sometimes it is in fact necessary.
My app does, for example, some operations which occur more than a dozen per second and I have to sort them by their timestamp. There’s a workaround of course, which I’m currently doing, as creating an additional sort_date column of type Double and store the milliseconds from client apps as is (timeIntervalSince1970 for Cocoa, java.util.Date().getTime() for Java, etc.)
It would be better, though, having this feature / accuracy in default columns (created and updated) as well as all DateTime fields.
~ Fatih
Fatih, thanks for sharing the idea. We have included it into our roadmap.
The topic will be updated with the information about readiness