Missing Invoices

I am unable to access prior billing information that I need to submit internally as part of expenses. When I go to billing it says it was sent to the email on file. We have transitioned the ownership of our instance and thus do not have previous emails, but the payment method (my card) has stayed consistent. Please advise how to get prior invoices and how to be added to the email going forward as a bcc or cc.

Please provide your application ID.


Here it is: FDA3D01C-F176-515B-FFB5-C4A56075AC00

Hi Eddie,

I see that ownership transfer took place this month. There was only one statement that was sent to the current owner. Their email address is roug*****ge.a@gmail.com

I sent a copy of it to your email address. Please let me know if you’d like your email address to be added to the billing emails, I see your card is used in the payment profile.


First thank you for your help here, we are missing the ones prior to Aksel taking over primarily – here are the missing ones


Have you checked with Aksel what they have received?

The June 19th invoice pre-dated the transfer to him. The prior company Stayshure is disbanding and as a result aksel took over, but that receipt is lost in the process.

I was more or less hoping there was a place where I could click and see all previous invoices but it sounds like its primarily done via email.

Unfortunately, there is no place where you could click and see. All statements are sent to the then-current app owner. Before the app was transferred, the statements were sent to the other Aksel’s email address: aksel@stay****re.com.

I gathered the statements in question and forwarded to your email address.
