Mission 4-3 Sticky Header Template broken

Mission: LAYOUT 101
Task: Sticky header

Template uses a Container object not a Block object. So, not possible to complete the task correctly and get it validated as the correct parameters aren’t available with Containers. I tried creating a Block with the correct parameters, and deleting the Container. But that didn’t work either. So apparently, it validates more than just those parameters.

Moving on to the next mission. Hopefully I’ll be allowed to do that with an incomplete mission on my record.

Let me know how to fix it, and I’ll come back and finish the task. Thanks!

UPDATE: OK. I figured it out. If you hover over the Container name in the upper left corner and twitch the mouse upwards, you can find a name called mission-…something . Quick, get that selected, and you have the Block. Complete the task and all is in order.

Suggestion, think about making that Container object a little smaller, or set the Block as the default selected object upon opening the Template to make this task more do-able for super newbies like me. Thanks!