Task: Create an API service which writes to the database
I have completed this mission twice, and completion is not recognized. Exactly as in the video. Yes, I’ve triple checked that everything is spelled correctly according to the requirements. I did delete an existing Order table so that the mission would create a new one. Got any ideas?
Hi @Esteri_Hinman ,
please double-check that all names correspond to those specified in the description, namely: the service name is exactly the OrderService and the method name is exactly createOrder with two declared method arguments: orderName and amount which are required, object keys to create a record must be name and amount
If you indicate everything correctly, please record a video demonstration of your actions to complete this mission.
Sergey - I have no way to create a video demonstration. However here are screen shots showing what was done.
I’ve been unable to find the spot where you can see the two arguments are required. I did the lesson a second time just to be certain they were marked required. They are.
Hello, @Esteri_Hinman
Could you please provide your application ID so we can check?
Hi Serhiy - I’m not certain where to find the application ID. The app is named ejhLearn, and it is located at the domain busyfog.backendless.app. Does that work?
The ID of your application can be found in the Manage tab under the App Settings section.
Hi Serhiy –
The id is: 1EE1B25E-0A37-5124-FF54-9F4D575B6A00
I’ll also go try the mission for a third time and see if I can make it work. This is taking too long. I have an app to develop.
Hi Esteri,
Could you check in the Manage > App Settings > App Info section if the “API Tracking” toggle is enabled?
Hi Mark –
I am in Manage > App Settings > App Info. I do not see a toggle for “API Tracking”.
I will log out, reboot, and come back in. Perhaps I’m missing an update or something…
Nope. There’s no such toggle.
HI Esteri,
I apologize, indeed that toggle is not visible to you, it is available only for us (internal Backendless devs).
I looked through your implementation, and it seems correct. Someone will check and approve the task for your account (unless they see something I didn’t). Since you’re almost at the end of the missions and you need to develop an app, I suggest you proceed with it, you should have a good understanding of Backendless at this point.
Thanks Mark –
Yes, I’ve started. I’m learning aircraft construction, while building the plane, while flying it. LOL. I got the CRM application template so I could see how parts of it worked as that’s the closest thing to what I’m making. Hopeful that will help fill any gaps.