Mission module with possible discrepancies between video and code

Task: Invoke the API Service

I just completed this module and wanted to give you guys a heads up that there were some discrepancies and bits missing in the downloaded files that I had to figure out how to fix manually. This might be part of the learning process but it seemed a bit more complex than usual so I thought that maybe you didn’t intend it to be this way.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. I clicked “Download Client SDK” and selected Javascript, as in the video.
  2. controller.js was missing so I needed to write it myself.
  3. CodelessShoppingCartService.html was missing some lines:
<script type="text/javascript" src="./js/controller.js" ></script>
<a href="javascript:getInstructions()">Get Instructions</a>
<a href="javascript:addItem()">Add Item</a>
<a href="javascript:getItems()">Get Items</a>
<a href="javascript:purchase()">Purchase</a>
<div id="output">


On line 15 of CodelessShoppingCartService.js I needed to replace Backendless.APIServices.CodelessShoppingCartService = {
this.CodelessShoppingCartService = {

…I think thats all.

Thanks for making this interesting series of learning modules, it has been really helpful with learning Backendless.

Hello @JohnP

As I see, at the mission we have the missing files, and description how get it


hi Dima,

I remember I did try clicking on the “our website” link but nothing happened.

Rereading everything I noted as missing, I can see how it could be resolved by successful download of those files. So maybe you’re right and getting that download would fix everything.

This wasn’t a complaint btw! Just feedback in case there was something wrong with the task.

Hi JohnP, you’re right the link didn’t do anything. We just fixed it, the problem was that the link started with http:// and it should’ve been https://. Now it is working. Thank you for bringing it to our attention.


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