Missions, Add a location (POINT) to a data object using console

Hi. Please check this mission. It does not tag itself as complete even if each point is valid as to country, the lat. and long.

Andriy Konoz requested for actions done on this issue – well, I followed the topic video to the last detail but the task cannot be tagged as completed.


Hi @Ramon_Reyes,

Is it possible that you originally created a column with a typo in the title and then renamed it? Or did you choose a different column type initially and then fix it?

| Stanislaw Grin stanislaw.grin team
April 14 |

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Hi @Ramon_Reyes,

For this task to be recognized as complete, a POINT value must be added in the capitalCityLocation column in the Country data table. This was done on the database.

Can someone simply make this mission task as complete?

Please check.


Thank you very much!