Mistaken Table Deletion


Despite needing to type in ‘DELETE’ I have just mistakenly deleted a table.
Is there a way to restore it?
I have managed to download the table schema and structure from’Export’ under ‘Manage’ so I think I can recreate, but is there a restore option…the details are still there…for now anyway.

An Idiot!

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Hello @Paul_McCullen

I’m sorry about the situation, but you will have to pay $200 for an engineer’s time in order to restore the data.
This amount will be charged to the credit card linked to your account.
Please let me know if you would like us to proceed.


I should also add that if you have ever exported this table, the data will be in Files>>export. Having an archive you can import the data. We have also published an article describing how to set up an automatic backup of your data How to Backup Your Data Tables in Backendless


Hi @Inna_Shkolnaya ,
If I’m on a paid plan, those data backups are done automatically for my app, right?

Hello @Klaas_Klever

If you are on a paid plan, backups are made, but they are only available to us and there will be an administrative fee for the work of our specialists if a backup is needed. The article I shared allows you to back up your data and keep it with you.


Thanks Inna. I managed to recreate the table with an extract I had previously exported, so it is fine. I was mainly concerned with the table structure rather than the data (though it would be nice to have the 50 or so records but not I dont need it enough to pay the $200 :slight_smile:

Just adding to what Klaas has queried, I am too on a paid plan but I dont see any automated backing up…I will check out your link above re backing up!




As I said before, the backup is done on our side and the data is stored with us if you are on a paid plan, but in case you need to restore the data it requires the work of our specialists.
