Modal Window or Page

I would love to see some type of modal features like in this image… Where we construct a pop up modal window that would allow for custom input controls.


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Hello @William_Lee

I’ve created an internal BKNDLSS-25278
to add this component. When it will be released I let you know.

Regards, Dima

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Hi William, it is actually possible. Here’s an example. (click “Track Shipment” in the header).

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That looks very cool… any instructions on how to do that? Especially with the faded back page look.

Hi William,

You can get detailed instructions here:


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This example no longer works (page shows error {"code":2002,"message":"Unable to identify the application. Make sure application ID and API key are correct","errorData":{}}). Is it possible to still see?

Here’s the updated link (click “Track Shipment” at the top of the page to see an example of a modal popup). This demo app is available in our blueprint apps: