More minor feature suggestions for UI Builder

Hey, I hope these are useful. I’m just documenting things as I am learning and begin my build.

  • It would be handy to have Figma’s screen navigation scheme in the Codeless Logic editor. Scroll wheel moves up/down, ctrl + wheel zooms in and out, shift + wheel goes right/left. I think a lot of people are used to that control scheme so it’ll make the editor feel more intuitive.
  • There’s lots of clicking from place to place. It would be awesome to see editable layouts and reusable components in the drop down where you select containers and pages to edit. Similarly, making that select drop down accessible from the root screen of Layouts and Components could save a click when you’re there and then realize you need to choose a different page.

Here’s another. It can be hard to remember where I put data bindings. Also, when selecting a component in the UI builder it only shows logic as green if actual logic has been put in.


  • Color A: No Logic or Binding
  • Color B: Binding Only
  • Color C: Logic OR Logic & Binding

Hi @James_Hereford,

Thanks for your suggestions. The UI Builder team will discuss your suggestions.


Hi @James_Hereford,

  1. First proposal: we cannot implement it because an external library is used.
  2. Second proposal: we have plans to implement this, but we cannot yet predict the approximate time when it will appear.
  3. Third proposal: We have created an internal ticket and will notify you when it is ready.


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Hi @James_Hereford ,

We’ve updated cloud servers with your suggestion to add color to the component when data binding is used. Thanks for your suggestion.


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Super cool! I hope others find it useful. Thanks for considering!