Moving pages between containers

Hi, i did not find this question being asked before.
Is it possible to move a UI page from one container to another container? I do not see any possibility to do this.

If not, may i suggest to move this to the new features backlog. Thanks!

Hello @Thomas_Wirth,

we don’t have such a tool out of the box.

For now, it is possible to move UI page from one container to another, but if you have any custom/reusable components and/or custom functions, it may become a little cumbersome for you, but still possible. Here is an instruction:

But if you have any custom/reusable components and/or functions in your page, you will also need to copy the contents of components/custom and components/reusable folders, and the functions folder:

I have created an internal ticket into our features backlog to implement such a tool.

Thanks for the instructions and for adding to the backlog :+1: