mp3 uploaded via file API won't play with AVPlayer

I’ve uploaded an mp3 file via the file API. It plays in a browser. It does not play using AVPlayer in iOS. I created a simple test to compare playback of an mp3 served up from Amazon’s S3 and Backendless. You can toggle the two streamingURL assignment lines to see the difference in behavior. And you can copy and paste the URLs into a browser for successful playback there.

The playback is failing silently. I don’t get any errors or “failed” status on the AVPlayer.

import UIKit
import AVFoundation

class ViewController: UIViewController {
	var player: AVPlayer!

	override func viewDidLoad() {

		let steamingURL:NSURL! = NSURL(string:"")

		// let steamingURL:NSURL! = NSURL(string:"[url=][/url]")

		player = AVPlayer(URL: steamingURL)

Hi Brad,

We’re currently investigating this problem. There appears to be some differences between our system and Amazon’s when it comes to returning media content.


Thank you, Mark. Can you provide any visibility into scheduling? I know you have to balance many priorities. I’m just trying to gauge whether or not to invest the time to integrate with AWS for our file management needs instead.

Hi Brad,

I apologize, but I cannot estimate it at this point. There is quite a backlog of support issues as well as features and improvements. If you can workout a solution where you host files in S3, it would be the best so we do not hold you up.
