Multiple choice field showing as Checkbox in UI


I am using the Multiple Choice feature for 1 field in a table. I present it in Data Table format (editable) in UI. But I see a checkbox for this field, instead of multiple choice pull down menu.

Am I doing something wrong?

App ID: B78A830E-7A03-838E-FF36-46CF57DEF200

What is the name of the table and the field?

Sites—> TestAlert

Table schema looks right. But on UI view, page “Home”, it shows as a checkbox

Please provide a sample login so we can see the problem in the UI


I have created 2 table views in Home. Both have the same problem

Thanks, I opened an internal ticket for the development team to look into it (BKNDLSS-24233). This is a bug, we will add it to the current iteration.


OK. Thanks.

Hello @Sanjay_Iyer

We’ve just updated cloud servers with a fix for the issue you described above. Could you kindly let us know whether fix works for you well?


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