Hi, what’s the best way to filter a repeater with multiple different inputs?
I have a list of Sessions
I am filtering them with fields such as inputs and date pickers see below.
See my codeless logic on the repeater data below.
So far I have 2 challenges,
- None of the sessions show if the filter inputs are empty.
- I’m not sure if this approach is the best where there are multiple filters.
Please advise.
Hello @Breldan_Muthaka
You should create “whereClause” like:
sesionTitle AND startDate = inputStartDate AND endDate = inputEndDate
(This is pseudo where-clause condition because I do not know you tables schema )
You can find out a little more here.
Thank you @viktor.liablin ,
What could I add here so that the query ignore’s empty constraints. So if I search by venue for example and not by the course title, it will return just the value with the venue selected without considering the title.
Looks good sir, this is a lot to take in at once. Let me try it out.
Hi @viktor.liablin,
I’m editing the previous reply after having a go at it.
I’m able to get each of the filters to work on their own. However, I’m not able to get them to work together.
If I filter by course__name
for example and then add a filter by course__startdate
The second filter applied doesn’t filter further.
Please see my logic here below.
Hi @viktor.liablin,
I found the issue, the and
should be in lower case but I was had set it to be uppercase.
Not sure, do you have spaces for AND?
I recommend that you get the where clause string and test it in the search input in data browser
I printed out the where clause. So far no errors. I think the solution was to use the
clause with small letters.
Is this the way it should be, I checked this against the documentation
herein, that you had previously shared.
- looks not correct
should be like: ..00' AND end...
Just add spaces before and after AND
Done this way I get errors on the console.
I’m not sure why this returns an error.
I’ve seen the issue was using the raw text "_"
block otherwise I get the correct filtering.
Let’s try to enclose each condition in parentheses
(Courses[sesions].title LIKE '%Public%') AND (start__data at or after '1662015600000')
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