.NET Error code: Internal client exception

.NET Error code: Internal client exception

Hello, two days ago problems are solved partially, I have a Windows Forms app using Backendless, and if I run it in Windows 10 it Works Ok, but since two days ago maintenance, users with Windows 7 can´t loggin into my app using backendless user services, It have been working really well before the maintenance but after the maintenance It give me the next exception, Error code: Internal client exception. My app id is F18E44A9-4D4D-9CEE-FF61-D1BF68138D00. Regards, Joshua.

Hello @Joshua_Perez

Please, provide more detail about problem.
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I have a Windows Form app that use backendless for user login via Backendless User Service .
It was working in all computer in which it was installed, however after the two days ago maintenance, user login using synchronous backendless .NET api in all computers that have windows 7 give me “Error code: Internal client exception” when user tries to login using synchronous backendless .NET api.(In Windows 10 user login using synchronous backendless .NET api works properly it only occurs in Windows 7 users after after the two days ago maintenance)


Please provide the full text of the error.

Can you provide an application sample?

The Message is -> Error code: Internal customer exception, Message: Connection terminated: Unexpected sending error. It indicate that Source is backendless. And the part of the code in which it trhow an exception is :
private void LoginFlatButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(userTextField.Text != “” && passwordTextField.Text != “”)
BackendlessUser user = Backendless.UserService.Login(userTextField.Text, passwordTextField.Text, true);
Properties.Settings.Default.Correo = userTextField.Text;
Properties.Settings.Default.Pass = passwordTextField.Text;
InicioForm inicioForm = new InicioForm();
} catch(Exception ex)


Did I understand you correctly:

    BackendlessUser user = Backendless.UserService.Login(userTextField.Text, passwordTextField.Text, true);
catch(Exception ex)

This code throws exception: Error code: Internal customer exception, Message: Connection terminated: Unexpected sending error.

Yes only in computers with windows 7 and after the two days ago maintenance. Before the maintenance it was working without any Error


I managed to reproduce this problem.
Created the corresponding ticket (BKNDLSS-20190)
We will deal with this problem and the status of the solution will be reported here additionally.

We are losing lot of clients and thousands of dollars please we need a solution as soon as possible

@Joshua_Perez, the problem appears to be with the how Windows 7 handles SSL handshake. The ciphers built into the OS cannot handle newer SSL certs. As a temporary workaround, you can change the endpoint URL to http://api.backendless.com. This can be done with the following line of code:

Backendless.URL = "http://api.backendless.com";

This line of code should be put before Backendless.initApp.
We’re still looking into the issue, but it will take time as we do not see a quick resolution.


Ok, thank you. When you get the definitive solution please notify us to revert this temporary change. Regards.

Fix issue.
Please, check.