.Net StringIndexOutOfBoundsException on Find query

Hi there!

I’m experiencing an issue when I query like this…,

var response = Backendless.Data.Of(“class”).Find(dq);

Throws an exception

Backendless BackendlessFault. Code: Server.Processing, Message: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1

Am I doing something wrong?


Could you show how you construct and what you put into “dq” ?



var dq = new BackendlessDataQuery(“student = ‘fa7mUr93P3’”);


so “dq” is a string object ?

I updated my comment, that was my typo.

dq is a BackendlessDataQuery object with a wereClause “student = ‘fa7mUr93P3’”

My fault
It seems that student is a relation object so i needed to do student.objectId = ‘fa7mUr93P3’

Thanks for attention!

Thanks. Is “student” a column of type STRING ?

No student is a relationship, that was my problem.
