New App, new Mongo db?

Wanted to know when we create a new app, does Backendless create a new table per app or are all apps using the same Mongo table sorted by appName?
Backendless Cloud… Y/N?
Backendless Standalone… Y/N?
FYI, a few days into this evaluating PARSE replacements (also current eval Parse server / Dreamfactory / usergrid) IMO your app stands far and above - very polished and well-thought through…

Backendless creates a new database for each app, but this is an internal implementation detail (with mBaaS the backend should be consumed as a service…)

Understood…I am in payments and have PCI requirements to meet with reports and audits that may not fit ‘mBaas in a box’ model. Just thinking ahead poking questions now to see where your well-thought out platform can be used in my neck of the woods…

I have some ideas we should set up a quick call soon.

Yes, I figured you were not just fishing around )) You can contact me direct at