New+ button in Data Browser


If a user is adding data a table and is not enough to warrant creating a CSV file so they want to enter it manually, after each record is entered, the New button has to be hit again for the next entry.

Would be nice to have a New+ button as well which would open up the next row for input once Enter has been hit on the current row.


Hi @Steve,

Thank you for your suggestion. We will review it.

In my opinion, the best practice for adding a large amount of new data to a table is not manual input but using a prepared CSV file.
Navigate to Manage → Import → Data Tables (CSVs) .
You can find detailed instructions here: Data Import - Backendless REST API Documentation


Hi Victor,

Understood about the CSV import, but for let’s say, a table with 15 - 20 rows and 1 or 2 columns it may be easier just to type in than going through the CSV creation and import.

Just a thought.
