No notifications in iOS TestFlight

Setting up notifications as laid out in the documentation worked great when it was being downloaded directly to phone. However after I published it through TestFlight for beta testing, no notification are being pushed. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Hello Robert,

Do you have a production push certificate?


I do have a production certificate, but it was listed as configurable. So I just took care of that going to upload app again, and hope it’s configured correctly. Thank you for the response! The iOS certificates are a major pain! I will let you know something as soon as it goes through the approval process.

Thank you again for your reply!


No luck…Any idea as to what I could be doing wrong?

Hi Robert,

The certs can be a real pain indeed. Make sure the cert you publish matches the one used in the provisioning profile. If you run your app from Xcode, you should use the Sandbox certificate, otherwise if the app is downloaded from the app store, it should be the production certificate. Also, if you publish a production (or universal) cert, there is a switch in Backendless console between production and sandbox modes. Have you tried both options?


Sorry for the delay in response! It was all certificate problems, I got it all worked out. Apple (maybe all platforms, i’m still new) over complicates it, I’m sure for good reason. Thank you for your fast responses!