Not able to high light selection


I noticed that when I use a View for table data I’m unable to highlight a table item in blue like I would normally be able to do with a table. I’m curious if there is a way around this?

Hello @CD_Engineers

Unfortunately, it’s not possible for now. We already have an internal ticket for that, but when it will be implemented I can’t say. Potentially not in the near future.

As for a workaround, you could play with “On Record Selected” and custom code, trying to write a solution that matches your need.

There is a direction:

const allRows = [...document.querySelectorAll('tr')]

const selectedRow = allRows.find(el => {
  const rowHasUniqueValue = el.innerHTML.includes(
  return rowHasUniqueValue
}) // - change to your UNIQUE property

if(selectedRow) { = 'red'

But I must say, it’s not stable, and only shows a way that will be used in the final solution.

Regards, Dima.

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Please let me know when this fix is implemented, I’ll try the fix above for now ^^.

Thank You