It was working fine few days back but suddenly it has stopped working due to some linking errors
Please let me know how we can fix this.
I think firebase has deprecated the FirebaseInstanceIdService
Note:- I am using the backendless-react-native version 0.1.8
Hello @Neeraj_Kumar
We apologize for the inconvenience. An internal ticket BKNDLSS-25106 has been created. We will let you know as soon as the problem is solved.
@Inna_Shkolnaya Looking forward for the quick fix
Hello @Neeraj_Kumar
Have you tried to set older version of FirebaseMessaging module in your android project?
I assume the Backendless RN-SDK uses the latest one React-Native-JS-SDK/build.gradle at master · Backendless/React-Native-JS-SDK · GitHub
Regards, Vlad
No I didnt make any changes in my code, it was working perfectly fine few days back and some how when I tried running it, started giving it the linking errors
@vladimir-upirov FYI, our app center builds are also getting failed due to this error and I am able to run the application without any error after uninstalling the backendless-react-native package
@vladimir-upirov can I expect some solution from your end ?
@Neeraj_Kumar we will take a look into this issue as soon as it only possible, until it is done could you try this one:
@vladimir-upirov I tried the messaging version 21.1.0, but still facing same error. FYI, I created new project and tried linking the library, but got the same error. so when can I expect the fix from your end, as all our builds are getting failed, we are not able to move forward with our development.
I checked in your library, there is one function registerDevice, which is using the FirebaseInstanceId so only in that function I am facing the errors.
Please publish the fix ASAP.
try this version 21.0.0
I can make the change, but this is not the solution as I install this library from npm so until this library has the new version, this change wont reflect on the App center.
Using the version, 21.0.0 has worked but that too I have to changed inside the library.
you should not change it directly in the library, instead, you can specify the version in your project android/build.gradle
I have tried the same already earlier, but it didn’t worked
how did you set this version in your project?
implementation “”
@vladimir-upirov It’s been fixed, thanks a lot But it would be nice If this thing is also documented somewhere.
sure, it will be definitely fixed in our library