package com.myPackage;import com.backendless.push.BackendlessBroadcastReceiver;import com.backendless.push.BackendlessPushService; public class MyPushReceiver extends BackendlessBroadcastReceiver{ @Override public Class<!–? extends BackendlessPushService–> getServiceClass() { return MyPushService.class; }}
Something is wrong with "<!–? extends BackendlessPushService–>"Can you clarify this code? Thanks
So in Overriding getServiceClass() section of the code from the above link,
Do I just copy and paste it, then delete:
<!–? extends BackendlessPushService–>
Why did you put it there? as comments?
That’s all? Thanks
I see what you’re referring to. It is a notation indicating that the class returned from getServiceClass() must extend from the BackendlessPushService class. So in your code, you’d do this:
public Class getServiceClass()
return SomeClass.class; // << SomeClass must be a subclass of BackendlessPushService