NSURLErrorDomain -1003 (Only on LTE network)

I just downloaded the iosSDK from github (again! because of the -1001 problem was happening again after getting solved once -> http://support.backendless.com/t/fault-1001-nsurlerrordomain )
Anyway I added the safari framework, now required … and I’m getting a -1003 error this time only when I’m on LTE network

ElCapitan, xcode 7.3

commit dbd4acd78d614d938d8365fdaf2ce83219587628

Author: Slava Vdovichenko <slava@Slavas-MacBook-Pro.local>
Date: Thu Jun 9 19:33:27 2016 +0300
 added SFSafariViewController support

Please give me a detail of “-1003” fault (or add some screenshot)


Internal task created BKNDLSS-12805.

I put the newest backendless and CommLibiOS in my project and the APIs do not work when I’m on LTE. I tested it with two APIs, both of the work on WIFI but no on LTE

This is the call to one of my API :

[[DailyInfoService sharedInstance] getDailyInfo:tScore eiqScore:eiqScore rScore:rScore wScore:wScore sScore:sScore lScore:lScore response:^(Training* training) { 
 int trainingId = [[training valueForKey:@"training_id"] intValue]; 
 } error:^(Fault *fault) { 
 NSLog(@"Error in getDailyInfo. error msg = %@", [fault message]); 
 NSLog(@"Error in getDailyInfo. fault code = %@", [fault faultCode]); 

Where [fault message] = NSURLErrorDomain
and [fault faultCode] = -1003 every time !

Please update the libs from github (CoomLibiOs & backendless), and try again

this is what I get

We cannot reproduce this issue.
Please provide your sample project demonstrating the problem here or to support@backendless.com

Good morning here

I re-tested everything again. The error in the attached images above seems to occur sometimes (sometimes all the api calls are delivered ok) only when I test the following code on LTE network:


            for (int i = 1;i <= 300;i++) {

                setDailyRanking(StringUtils::format("user_%d",i).c_str(), 12000, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5,25, 7);


If I use the app normally, the api calls seem to work just fine.
If I run the above test code on WI-FI it seems to work just fine too.

so probably it has something to do with the testing conditions on LTE or the network itself . So I’m ignoring this testing and continue … sorry if it was something wrong at my end.
