Object sub-fields not addressable

I have a SELECT on-change event that filters the data to the selected record desired. The filter function properly filters and creates the new OBJ, but when I try to access the fields of the OBJ, they are undefined. Here is the code:

The entire OBJ record can be addressed, but not the fields. Here is the OBJ:

Here is the display of the fields.

Hello @Richard_Munger

We will be happy to assist you. I need to ask you a few more questions so I can understand the problem better.
Please provide your applicationId, container name and page name


app id: DEC6B808-645B-7B62-FF97-8D7C3B617700
container: default
page: bo-trello

Property listSelectedBRD is list, right?

Try this:

Also you can add variable for listSelectedBRD to avoid block duplication:

Thank you for contacting us. Please let us know if you run into any other issues, we’re here to make sure you have a fantastic experience with Backendless.


Thank you for that suggestion. It worked perfectly.