one database for two projects

Hello! I have made a database for my android app. Now i want to make a site on bakendless, which will show some information from that database. But i dont know how to make this, because android app and site will be separated projects. If it possible to make this? Or would be better to make on another way? How do u think?

Hi Kira,

What you want to do is definitely possible. Both your Android app and the site can point to the same Application ID and thus will be communicating with the same backend.


This means that i need to call “Backendless.initApp…”. This will work if i will do site not on backendless, but what if i will do on backendless? There will create site’s own database. But i neednt to use it, just call android app’s database? Am i right? Or i cant make here a site? Cause i have heard that on backendless i can make a site, that there are templates for this. Maybe i didnt hear right :slight_smile: If not, the question will solve in one second :slight_smile:

We do not provide “templates” for sites. There is Backendless Hosting where you can place static and dynamic (node.js) content. Backendless.initApp is required to initialize SDK so you can use Backendless API in your program.

aa…then sorry for wrong information :slight_smile: I have understood all that u said.
Thank you ,Mark, very much for quick responses !!!

if it possible to put a site on Backendless Hosting? i mean to put it here and so people can see it.

Hi Kira,

What do you mean by saying “site”? Is it some single html file?

yes. 1 or 2 html files. which only will show my data

In this case you can just upload them to our File Service and access via public URLs.</img> you mean here ?? And what if i need to have an access to these html pages from the Internet? when all people can search them.

Yes, right there. All the files are available through public URL. You can get it for every file by clicking the “link” icon in the Actions column.

I have another strange question. If it is possible to make : I have 10 users. They have their ID in database( i created new column for that). I have their info in database. I need to show their info in that html pages. to show the info they will not log in or smth else, so all is public. So the html files are standart for all users, for example Form with a name and phone number. So to show somebody’s info in that form there will be a field for ID (which has each user), so that is how i will select info from database. As i understand the link will be the same for each user, for example myApp/info . But i want to make like this myApp/info/ID8377. :slight_smile: if it is possible?:slight_smile:

.....As i understand the link will be the same for each user, for example myApp/info

what “link” are you talking about?

for example i will make an html page with the name index. So it will have a link : index.html
or smth else, but the end will be …/index.html

files (pages) you put into Backendless hosting will have the path corresponding to the directories where you place the files.

You can add some javascript code into your html pages, which will be responsible for retrieving the information from Backendless Data Service and filling the appropriate forms in your html.

yes. so if i have 1 file(page) “info.html”, then there will be only one file(page) for all users. But if i want to have a speccial path for each user, i need to make such files inside directory “info”. Yes? I couldnt make the speccial link , for example : "…/info/ID87678 "without making the directory, could I? I asking about this, because, for example, there are the same user pages on facebook, but they all have their own links…

But if i want to have a speccial path for each user, i need to make such files inside directory "info". Yes?


I couldnt make the speccial link , for example : "..../info/ID87678 "without making the directory, could I?

No, you cannot

Okay, thank you very much for patience! :slight_smile: