Online and Offline status with Inactive session timeout

I am trying to add this logic to my solution where i can know the exact status of online and offline users (both app and web). One part of the solution is that persisting a custom property with User object and update it on different events like login, logout or close the browser/tab. But there is on ‘inactivity session timeout’ feature that throws out any user if there is no activity. How could i set my custom property as and when ‘inactivity session timeout’ happens?

Unfortunately now we haven’t direct way to track this action. We shall discuss this feature for further releases.
As a workaround you can use timer and checking in it if this is a valid token or not.

it will be great if backendless system will have these ‘online/offline’ properties instead of developers are creating. It will be easy for backendless to handle and this will also improve analytics and that will help companies to take better business decisions, UX, notifications and effective real time communication.

Hello Shahnaz

Thanks for this idea. We’ll look into it in further releases

Regards Anton